Welcome to Gironès Cake Shop We sweeten your unique moments We bring color to special occasions More than 60 years of pastry tradition Artisanal pastries and our specialties
Welcome to Gironès Cake Shop
We sweeten your unique moments
We bring color to special occasions
More than 60 years of pastry tradition
Artisanal pastries and our specialties

Gironès Cake Shop

The sweetest corner
for those with a sweet tooth

Here you will discover all we make every day to turn lunches, desserts, snacks, and celebrations into a unique and special moment.

Brioches, chocolates, tea pastries, cakes and individual desserts, our specialties…

And many celebrations throughout the year that we pair with very special sweet creations: Christmas, Easter, Saint George, Saint John….

Pastisseria Gironès - Home - Presentation
Pastisseria Gironès - Home - Presentation
Pastisseria Gironès - Home - Presentation
You will find us in the center of Sant Feliu de Guíxols, next to the market square, #10 Anselm Clavé st.

Our specialties

Dolços Records de Sant Feliu

Carquinyoli type biscuits made of hazelnut, coconut and chocolate… A sweet memory from home.

El Guixolenc

Puff pastry arm filled with cream and covered with almonds and sugar.

...and also Cakes

Own-made and customized cakes, personalized budget


Every celebration, a sweet excuse to garnish your table with desserts...

Sant Valentí

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Father’s Day – St. Joseph

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Saint Jordi

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Diumenge de Rams

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Sorry, this entry is only available in Català and Español.


Sorry, this entry is only available in Català and Español.

Mother’s Day

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Saint John

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Festa Major

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September 11

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Tots Sants

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Vestibulum ullamcorper efficitur lorem sed finibus. Vestibulum lacina and pulvinar diam, ut mollis sem eleifend ac. Morbi elementum mi id vehicula eleifend. Praesent a malesuada lectus. Phasellus ut aliquam eneim. Morbi faucibus, libero quis luctus vulputate, mi quam tempus nunc, velly finibus tellus neque at orciis efficitur ante eu vestibulum.


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Our team

Pastisseria Gironès - Home - Shop team

Shop team

Pastisseria Gironès - Home - Workshop team

Pastry team


We offer services on request